HUD Exam Prep – Part III: Tips & Tools For Studying

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Imagine yourself sitting down to take the Housing Counselor Certification Exam. How do you think you will feel?

It’s normal (and expected) to experience stress and anxiety at the thought of having to take a certification exam. A mild amount of anxiety can actually be useful in helping you to stay focused and to sharpen your attention.

However when the stress and anxiety escalates, and you find yourself struggling to study, focus and learn the information for the test, this anxiety is now a problem. As stress and anxiety increase, your confidence in your ability to pass the test will decrease. This is a no-win situation and one that we hope to help you avoid.

You Will Learn:

  • Learn your preferred learning style so you can study more effectively
  • Learn strategies to reduce anxiety and increase confidence
  • Learn study techniques to increase learning and retention of information
  • Learn key strategies to fit in study time around all of the other demands in your life


Jan 26 2021


2:00 pm - 3:30 pm