NCRC CDF’s Navigating Business Financing Webinar Series: Session 4: Building Credit and Navigating Credit Reports: Strategies for Success

May 21 , 10:00 am EDT – 12:00 pm EDT
Join NCRC CDF for a dynamic webinar where we’ll explain the process of credit evaluation. Learn how lenders assess your creditworthiness, decode credit reports, and master strategies to boost your credit score. Explore effective tactics to overcome existing credit hurdles and position your business for loan success.

Key Highlights
• Understanding Creditworthiness – explore how lenders evaluate your creditworthiness based on factors like character, capacity, and collateral.
• Understand the importance of the 5 Cs of credit – Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Conditions – in the lending decision process, and how to strengthen each aspect to enhance creditworthiness.
• Decoding Credit Reports
• Strategies for Improving Credit Score
• Mitigating Existing Credit Challenges
• Case Study

Don’t miss this essential session for businesses striving to present a robust financial profile and secure the funding they need!


Lucretia Freeman-Buster, MBA, H.Ph.D


May 21 2024


9:00 am

More Info
