NFHTA Forum | Combating the Many Forms of Mortgage Lending Discrimination-Online
For nearly a century, mortgage lending discrimination has been an issue confronting individuals and communities of color, women, religious minorities, immigrants, and persons with disabilities. Housing discrimination has appeared differently under different market conditions and governmental policies. America has experienced mortgage loan denials and lack of access to credit based on race, dual lending marketplace, redlining, exploitive risk-based pricing, subprime lending, predatory lending, discriminatory underwriting standards, maintenance and disposition of REO properties, and a variety of lending practice that have a disparate impact or effect on people and communities of color. Government efforts through fair lending laws and regulations have sought to address decades of inequities in the lending marketplace.
This forum on mortgage lending discrimination will explore how lending discrimination occurs in the current marketplace and today’s federal government and private fair housing response to lending discrimination.
Experts from governmental enforcement agencies will speak about their recent efforts and initiatives to combat mortgage lending discrimination. Panelists will also share the latest on administrative complaints, direct challenges of lenders, policy initiatives, and lawsuits.